Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries as a home remedy for various conditions. It has been shown to have many health benefits, including lower blood sugar, weight loss, and can even help improve symptoms of diabetes. One of it’s main uses is Use Apple Cider Vinegar To Treat Eczema.

Eczema is a term used to describe a group of skin conditions in which the skin becomes inflamed and irritated. It displays itself as dry, itchy, skin that can develop lesions or blisters.

How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Work

Raw and unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar (ACV) is full of vitamins, mineral and substances such as carotenoids, flavonoids, isoflavones and protease inhibitors. These nutrients feed and modulate the immune system and improve skin health.

For example, beta-carotene promotes skin regeneration while fiber improves digestive health to flush out toxins. On the other hand, potassium balances pH balance of the skin to reduce inflammation and irritation. Vinegar also works as an antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic agent to fight any infection causing the skin condition.

Ways to Treat Eczema

Thus Apple cider vinegar is an excellent home remedy for these things, whether it’s used to treat acne, tone skin or condition your hair, apple cider vinegar can be used for just about anything. Here are five ways you can Use Apple Cider Vinegar To Treat Eczema.

 1. Use Diluted Apple Cider Vinegar

Pure apple cider vinegar can burn and sting the skin if applied directly, that why it’s better to mix it with water.

To use, mix equal part vinegar and water in a small cup. For sensitive skin, dilute 1/3 cup of vinegar for every 3 cups of water.
Pour mixture into a spray bottle or sealed container.
Apply directly to the skin using a cotton ball or simply spray the solution directly onto your skin.
Use in the morning and at night for relief.
2. Take a Vinegar Bath

If you experience large patched of eczema on your body, nightly vinegar baths will help your manage your condition.

To use, pour 1-2 cups of apple cider vinegar into warm but not hot water.
For extra relief, add a 1/3 a cup of coconut oil.
Soak for at least  half an hour for best results.
3. Soothing Syrup

Soothe your body internally by taking with yummy mix. Pregnant, diabetic and people taking prescription medication should consult their doctor before taking apple cider vinegar orally.

Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into 16 oz. of hot water.
Add a teaspoon of blackstrap molasses, honey, or maple syrup to the water to make it easier to stomach.
Take it up to 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.
Keep your skin moisturized with coconut oil for best results. You can also apply it on your skin as a balm, wrapping the wound with a clean bandage.
4. Simple Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

For everyday relief, mix 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a cup of hot water.

Drink twice a day, with or without honey. To prevent damage to your enamel, dirnk the mixture through a stainless steel straw.

5. Fizzy Eczema Tea

This tea may be hard to drink at first, but it really provides relief.

Pour two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a cup and add a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda.
Mix and let it rest until it longer fizzes.
Add half a cup of water and a bit of honey or tea to improve taste.
Drink daily.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar To Treat Eczema

Step 1: Materials.
The main element and surely easier to get- is a clothes hanger, those who always use. I recommend the wood as they are firmer.
Second, we need rings. Here I use to put on the curtains. There is a very low cost.
And finally, we will use a tape. I chose white because it is the color of my rings and makes them less obvious, but there are some of many colors and even patterned that can give a different touch.

Step 2: the rings

Arrange the rings on the hook and attach them with tape. In this case, I used only 12 rings, but if you have lots of scarves can use many more, but not letting handkerchiefs touch the ground.
Step 3 : Paste the rings

Do not forget that the rings must also join. The important thing is that they are firm to the hook and also between them. So your hanger will in this way.
Step 4: Add your handkerchiefs
Now that our hanger is ready, accommodates one to one your handkerchiefs. You can join them as designs, colors or as you prefer. You can even put more than one ring. I hung it in my closet and they were perfect.

How to make simple scarf storage

source -

Many people have skin problems like acne, pimples, dark spots, etc. Luckily, this homemade lotion made of leaves of parsley and lemon (or apple cider vinegar) will help to clean your face from spots and whiten your skin.

Parsley is rich source of vitamins and minerals and its juice contains essential oils with high levels of managnese and potassium.
In cosmetics, parsley is known for its ability to whiten the skin and for its regenerative properties. It has the ability to remove redness, irritation and swelling, refreshes, whitens skin and tones. More over it helps in removing acne and blackheads..
  • 200 ml water
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice or ACV( apple vinegar)
  • 2 tablespoons chopped parsley leaves.
  • Mix 200 ml of boiled water with 2 tbsp fresh chopped pasrsley and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
  • Strain, then add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
  • Store in in a glass container and refrigerate.
  • Use this homemade lotion in the morning and evening
  • This lotion will help you whiten your skin, tightens pores and cleans the facial skin.
  • Freckles dissapear from the face and the skin becomes shiny and expressive.
  • Use it on daily basis.
  • You can apply this lotion to the eyes but only if you don’t put lemon juice in it.
  • If you have dark circles around the eyes, you can make wraps and put them in the morning and evening on the eye for about 5 minutes.

Use Home Made Lotion To Whiten Your Skin And Remove Black Spots

How to make Nylon flower angel

first see some creative ideas of mirror

This method is described Allison. Time for the manufacture of 3-4 hours, cost $ 25 (I think we have it will be cheaper).
You will need:
  • round car mirror (convex)
  • plywood disc the same size as the primary mirror
  • metal rods (such as knitting needles or something similar)
  • small mirror with a diameter of about 5-7 cm, or round mirror mosaic
  • tube “sealing liquid” (special glue for metal) or hotmelt
  • Metallic paint-bank + brush or spray.
All steps can be seen in the pictures.

This project is the author calls “my three-dollar mirror.” In fact, the investment is minimal, and the effect of the original. About $ 3 – a little coquetry: =), but what is the most economical method of all is not in doubt. I’m a little modify a proposed by the author of the technology to improve design reliability.
You will need:
  • the easiest round mirror (any diameter) rimless
  • set of wooden skewers for kebabs (or other thin wooden sticks)
  • the simplest dish
  • quality double sided tape
  • silver spray paint from a container (such as a car or interior), though maybe you will like golden or other colors (better contrast to the walls)
  • slightly thicker wires for fixing to the back (holder wall).
Further, the picture is very detailed all the steps. But I would have done a little differently: wooden sticks using double-sided tape is attached to the first surface of the reverse mirror. Then, on top of the sticks impose another layer of adhesive tape and have it fastened plate. To design can be hung on the wall – do a double strip of wire loop and fixed on the plate on opposite sides of the diameter. All!

You will need:
  • round mirror
  • solid foundation of plywood or support for flowers (. is on sale in Ikea, see step 1) – and a base diameter of the mirror should be approximately 2: 1 ratio
  • flat wooden stick with a sharpened edge of 2 types (long, short, wide and narrow)
  • contact paper with an adhesive layer on both sides or a high-quality double sided tape
  • clippers, scissors, hammer, sanding paper
  • wood glue in a tube (not instant action!) and a narrow brush to it
  • silver paint in the can
  • masking tape or a small piece of furniture film with an adhesive layer – a little more than the size of the mirror
  • metal mount for hanging the mirror on the wall and furniture 2 tack
  • thick books or magazines – to create a “press” and “support”.

Step 1:
If you choose to base stand for flowers from Ikea – start with, remove the rollers

Step 2:
Cut out of the contact paper circle on the diameter of the mirror.
If you are using double sided tape, – chop a few strips to lay them in a row and thus completely cover the back surface of the mirror.

Step 3:
Connect with each other and the base of the mirror using a paper adhesive or adhesive tape, prepared in step 2.
The side on which were mounted rollers should be back.

Step 4:
Divide each of the types of sticks into 2 parts, the result should have 4 piles.
Half of the thin wire cutters cut about 1 \ 4, a half wide by about 2 cm. You get 4 types of rods. Separate from each side approximately one-third – you will fix them to the rear of the unit.
Important: before you cut all make “fitting length”, focusing on pictures in steps 6 and 9.

Step 5:
Walk all the sanding paper sticks, after this procedure, the paint will fall on them absolutely straight.

Step 6:
Place 3 sticks of type (two – and one wide – narrow ones for the outside – remember step 4) in a circle, alternating between them as shown in the figure.
Around the base enclose the books to support

Step 7:
Remove from the circle for one stick, and attach them to the plywood base, tightly clutching at the time of joining.

Step 8:
After gluing all the sticks of the steps 6-7 to remove adhesive residue with a toothpick.
Step 9:
Place the top of the press of books, covering pre-product paper and leave to glue a couple of hours (this step is not shown in the figures, but I strongly advise not to miss it).

Step 10:
The remaining sticks – remember step 4 (long, narrow) glue on the back side of the base, keeping the same distance between them.

Step 11:
Repeat Step 9 for the remaining short rods of various lengths, putting them in between narrow.
Again, remove the excess glue with a toothpick and place the press (see. Steps 8-9) for optimum adhesion.

Step 12:
On the reverse side of the structure, attach the holder, by which the mirror is hung on the wall.

Step 13:
Close the mirror of the masking tape or furniture film (the latter should not be pressed too far).
Step 14:
Spray paint silver according to the instructions on the can, after having put the product on a completely level surface (avoid drips).

Step 15:
Remove the protective film or tape with mirror surface after the paint stops sticking to your hands.
ALL! Your exclusive fashionable thing ready!
courtesy: liveinternet

How to make star burst mirror in the interior