Use Home Made Lotion To Whiten Your Skin And Remove Black Spots

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Many people have skin problems like acne, pimples, dark spots, etc. Luckily, this homemade lotion made of leaves of parsley and lemon (or apple cider vinegar) will help to clean your face from spots and whiten your skin.

Parsley is rich source of vitamins and minerals and its juice contains essential oils with high levels of managnese and potassium.
In cosmetics, parsley is known for its ability to whiten the skin and for its regenerative properties. It has the ability to remove redness, irritation and swelling, refreshes, whitens skin and tones. More over it helps in removing acne and blackheads..
  • 200 ml water
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice or ACV( apple vinegar)
  • 2 tablespoons chopped parsley leaves.
  • Mix 200 ml of boiled water with 2 tbsp fresh chopped pasrsley and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
  • Strain, then add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
  • Store in in a glass container and refrigerate.
  • Use this homemade lotion in the morning and evening
  • This lotion will help you whiten your skin, tightens pores and cleans the facial skin.
  • Freckles dissapear from the face and the skin becomes shiny and expressive.
  • Use it on daily basis.
  • You can apply this lotion to the eyes but only if you don’t put lemon juice in it.
  • If you have dark circles around the eyes, you can make wraps and put them in the morning and evening on the eye for about 5 minutes.