first see some creative ideas of mirror
This method is described Allison. Time for the manufacture of 3-4 hours, cost $ 25 (I think we have it will be cheaper).
You will need:
round car mirror (convex)
plywood disc the same size as the primary mirror
metal rods (such as knitting needles or something similar)
small mirror with a diameter of about 5-7 cm, or round mirror mosaic
tube “sealing liquid” (special glue for metal) or hotmelt
Metallic paint-bank + brush or spray.
All steps can be seen in the pictures.
This project is the author calls “my three-dollar mirror.” In fact, the investment is minimal, and the effect of the original. About $ 3 – a little coquetry: =), but what is the most economical method of all is not in doubt. I’m a little modify a proposed by the author of the technology to improve design reliability.
You will need:
the easiest round mirror (any diameter) rimless
set of wooden skewers for kebabs (or other thin wooden sticks)
the simplest dish
quality double sided tape
silver spray paint from a container (such as a car or interior), though maybe you will like golden or other colors (better contrast to the walls)
slightly thicker wires for fixing to the back (holder wall).
Further, the picture is very detailed all the steps. But I would have done a little differently: wooden sticks using double-sided tape is attached to the first surface of the reverse mirror. Then, on top of the sticks impose another layer of adhesive tape and have it fastened plate. To design can be hung on the wall – do a double strip of wire loop and fixed on the plate on opposite sides of the diameter. All!
You will need:
round mirror
solid foundation of plywood or support for flowers (. is on sale in Ikea, see step 1) – and a base diameter of the mirror should be approximately 2: 1 ratio
flat wooden stick with a sharpened edge of 2 types (long, short, wide and narrow)
contact paper with an adhesive layer on both sides or a high-quality double sided tape
clippers, scissors, hammer, sanding paper
wood glue in a tube (not instant action!) and a narrow brush to it
silver paint in the can
masking tape or a small piece of furniture film with an adhesive layer – a little more than the size of the mirror
metal mount for hanging the mirror on the wall and furniture 2 tack
thick books or magazines – to create a “press” and “support”.