It is a fact that we should eat fruits and vegetables, and all that healthy food, but the question is: are they really healthy. There are many people who cannot identify the GMO tomato. In this article, we will present to you an easy way that will help you identify these tomatoes and know what to eat.
What is the reason for this? That is the fact that the FDA has decided that, as a consumer, you should not care if you consume tomatoes that are a hybrid species with frog genes, so that they become resistant to low temperatures. There are consumers who may be concerned about the fact that they consume “frankenfood “. Here you can read how to determine whether the vegetables you are buying are genetically modified fruits.
This is how you can find out: Firstly, you should know that fruits and vegetables that are grown in the usual way (with the injection of chemicals) are labeled with a code consisting of four digits.
Also, organically grown fruits and vegetables have a price tag with a code that consists of five digits, starting with 9. Genetically modified (GM) fruit and vegetables have a price tag with a code consisting of five digits starting with the number 8.

It is really important to know this, so remember these tips. More than 80 percent of processed foods in the United States has been genetically modified. However, in many European countries, such as Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary and Luxemburg, the production and sale of GMO products are forbidden.


It is a fact that we should eat fruits and vegetables, and all that healthy food, but the question is: are they really healthy. There are many people who cannot identify the GMO tomato. In this article, we will present to you an easy way that will help you identify these tomatoes and know what to eat.
What is the reason for this? That is the fact that the FDA has decided that, as a consumer, you should not care if you consume tomatoes that are a hybrid species with frog genes, so that they become resistant to low temperatures. There are consumers who may be concerned about the fact that they consume “frankenfood “. Here you can read how to determine whether the vegetables you are buying are genetically modified fruits.
This is how you can find out: Firstly, you should know that fruits and vegetables that are grown in the usual way (with the injection of chemicals) are labeled with a code consisting of four digits.
Also, organically grown fruits and vegetables have a price tag with a code that consists of five digits, starting with 9. Genetically modified (GM) fruit and vegetables have a price tag with a code consisting of five digits starting with the number 8.

It is really important to know this, so remember these tips. More than 80 percent of processed foods in the United States has been genetically modified. However, in many European countries, such as Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary and Luxemburg, the production and sale of GMO products are forbidden.