Learning to weave chain

Petersburg chain can be woven as only one-a beads and bugles or from cuttings. It is convenient to weave a thin fishing line or silk thread. Many beginners think weaving a complex chain, or someone previously braided chain, but only one half, not knowing how joins the second. So let’s we practice to weave Petersburg chain, making on its basis a small bracelet .

We will need:
– Glass beads, or cutting;
– Beads;
– Fishing line or sturdy yarn (nylon / silk);
– Bead needle and scissors;
– Lock.
If you weaves of glass beads, the beads do not need a lot. Therefore, you can safely take to create this jewelry beads remaining in a small amount of weaving of the previous product. In addition, the beads may be taken not perfectly flat, as it does not affect the quality of the product – the chain still get smooth. Please note that the threads must be thin enough to pass through the three available cutting or bugle. And it must be strong enough, because the glass beads with chopping sharp edges.
Step 1

First, cut the length of fishing line or thread. Nanizhite four cuttings / Bugle. You can check for the convenience of the scheme.

Step 2

Pass the needle through two glass beads, bugle fingers evening. At the other end of the thread must remain with the stock (it then we will begin to weave the second half of the St. Petersburg chain).
Step 3

Enter and exit a bead bead needle back into the bugle / cutting. Then exit to a neighboring cabin with beads.
Step 4

step 5

Pass the needle through the first two bugles. Then, create a sharp “leaf” and leave the glass beads in the first tier created.
step 6

Next nanizhite bead and go through the two glass beads, as shown in the photo. After that the remaining tiers braid likewise.
 step 7

Braid further, important not to confuse the order of entry into the needle and bugle beads.
Step 8

Once the chain is the correct length will be ready, it’s time to move on to the second half. To do this, go back to the opposite segment of thread – now we weave it. But also about the remaining segment of the chain first, do not forget: we will hide her at the end of the work! Nanizhite lock to match the items themselves. The photo clearly shows all.
Step 9

Further woven exactly the same tier, which consists of the entire first half of the bracelet. Since the first half second is connected by the first beads of the chain.
step 10

Thus weave to the first end of the chain.
Step 11

That’s it – Petersburg chain is ready! Will only attach a padlock to the second half of the end of the bracelet and to hide the ends of the already unnecessary threads in the finished product. A necklace with this technique you will be able to weave with this simple scheme:

Additionally necklace around the entire circumference can be decorated with pendants from beads. Most importantly, the color beads and cutting, you can take any. Instead of beads as a connector for the two chains can be used any beautiful beads in tone.

In general, variants of this chain a lot – the main thing to learn how to spin it, but already there is to rely on your imagination!
courtesy: rukodelie.usamodelkina