How to make swan for garden from plastic bottle

You will need:

Empty plastic container from under the liquid soap or household chemicals capacity of not less than 5 liters, preferably with a characteristic “on-swan ‘, a curved handle.

Cut the plastic flexible tube (you can use a garden hose).

Caulking exterior (for outdoor works).

Paints for painting.

First, we do a swan base, cutting of plastic vessels necessary parts: wings, tail, part of the neck.

Make a lump of paper – a swan’s head, made of cardboard – beak. Do not fear that newsprint and cardboard is not too suitable materials for crafts for the garden: everything is securely hidden under a layer of putty. Swan Garden stand for more than one season in the open air.

Cut out of cardboard wings and tail more, paste in place (check with all photos).

To extend the swan neck using a flexible tube. To bend was so, as you need to, insert into the stiff wire or rod.

Cut small pieces of paper and use white glue paste over all parts of the future for the garden crafts.

Allow the workpiece to dry (preferably until the next day) and paste over it with another layer. It is better to make 3-4 layers. Of course, it will take time (generally, to dry), but worth it – hack will be more durable.

Swan’s eyes do two beads with holes or convex buttons (the so-called “mushrooms”). Stretching through the head wire and fasten buttons / beads.

The final layer is better to stick a bandage or gauze pieces – they are rough.

When the last layer dries, proceed to the application of putty.

To put it better a small spatula, dipping it in water during operation.

When the first layer of putty is in place, put on his gauze / bandage.

Layers putty should be a few (3-4).

Do not make too thick layers plaster after drying may crack. Although with small cracks to handle simple: just zamazhete their putty.

The dried preform crafts for the garden – Swan – need to be sanded. First, use coarse sand paper with grain, and then middle and finally fine.

Whisk with crafts for garden dust with a damp brush.

Prime with the workpiece. You can do it with acrylic paint diluted with water twice.

Color swan white paint 2 times (the second layer – after the first drying).

Razrisuy head swan beak and eyes.

Now you can start the fun part: decorating bird patterns. In the photo a swan for the garden, which the author painted a simple floral design in blue. But how nice it looks – like a porcelain figurine! To protect and give shine, crafts, it is desirable to cover the façade paint.

courtesy: liveinternet