How to make “Music of wind,” from waste keys

For work, we need:
– Keys
– Acrylic Enamel Pearl
– Gold Enamel Spray
– Beads and pearls
– Bells (bells)
– Clay
– Wire Beading
To start with painting the keys from the spray both sides. Each of the parties after staining should horoshenechko dry.

While the keys are dry, let us the foundation on which we will later hang up the keys. For the basics you need to take a hollow circle, a small diameter hoop,

Twine wrapped hoop is very tight. You can use any string, but it must be very strong.

Then take the thinner thread of a different color, in this case blue yarns for sewing and twine wrapped over.

It’s time to anchorages for our children this basis into four equal parts, and is tied to the hoop-based 4-strings holder base and exactly in the middle bind them together.

Then consider the keys and number keys exactly pulls the thread to the base. They must differ from each other in length, forming as a result, something like a spiral. Stout filament winding on a simple basis, fixing glue.

Now the fun stringing beads and beads on a string, dream! Not to string the entire length of the thread reserve some space at the tip of the thread ring.

Key remaining winding thread and each turn around the paste adhesive Key. And so the thread of the thread, the key for the small key.

If necessary, you can change the thread-holders on more solid.
Now of beads and beads with wire beading, random weave a wreath and decorate them base, a simple wrapping.

Modifying the color of acrylic paint keys.

Bells are strung on strands of different lengths and tie them into a bundle.

We fix the center and enjoy the “music of wind”!

courtesy: rukodelie.usamodelkina