How to make handbags in Watermelon Style

For the work we need: pupyrka, soapy water, Graduate School of Management, wool (green two colors, pink for “guts”, two shades of red and white for the “outer” bag, a little black for zёrnyshek, towel, film from the cut garbage bag, the template ( I cut it out of thin marching rug)
1. Getting to spread pasmochki pink wool in the vertical direction to the template:

2.Sledom lay a second horizontal layer:

3. Wetting all this warm soapy solution:

4. Cover with foil garbage bag and carefully blotted through it all wool:

5. for five seconds consecutively over the entire surface of the future bags:

6. Remove the tape, wool slightly should grab, take the edge of the template, and overturn “pancake”:

7. Bends, with little interference, the protruding ends of wool on a template:

8. Repeat the layout on this side of the template:

9. Wetting:

10. Cover with foil, blotted, hum:

11. Remove the tape, turn over the pattern and over again Fold the protruding hair on the template:

12. The third layer layout. Begins to form a “battle” coloring watermelon. I make a circular layout, first green, then white rim:

13. And decompose the flesh: light red color with white border and the middle of a dark red:

14. The fourth layer – the layer of the front, where it is necessary to lay out the pattern of watermelon peel. His I do radial layout, alternating green skeins of different colors, a smooth layer of hanks guides in the middle and thin and elongated to the edge:

15. Next comes the white stripe, it on the contrary, more joints smooth and thick end hanks to the green color, and a thin sending to red, for more uniform mixing of colors:

16. Svetlokrasny color with white joints, also thinner end hanks, and lays the middle of the dark “flesh”

17. wets all this beauty soap, when watering given that water is enough in our preparation, from the previous watering now it should be a little less

18. Cover with foil, blotted to well moisten all wool and buzz machine has 10-12 seconds on, gradually passing the entire surface:

19. Remove the tape:

20. We turn our product and Fold the edge of the hair on the template:

21. The start layout wool from this side (important when we spread the crust, you need to spy on the other side, to combine colors slips)

22. moisten, cover, buzz,

23. Remove the tape, turn over are bent edge:

24. I do I cover film before the buzz, and passers-by on the edge of the machine, which wrapped wool:

25. Now go to manual work, gradually increasing the pressure, stroking, three, and in every way, “we go” hands on the film:

26. When the fur is already enough svayalyaetsya and will not move, remove the film, promakaem excess water with a towel:

27. Do not forget to pay special attention to the edges, they must be carefully wipe, I do it with the help of the film:

28. Water in our bag should have a little, but myltse roughly, for better sliding :

29. roll down the bag on a roll (I make a tight roll of towels, and it twists the bag, which is located between two layers pupyrki, ride 80 times in various directions:

30. Templates, obviously, it was a bit crowded, it’s time to release into the wild

31. Neatly cut the bag and take out the pattern:

32. rub clean cut edge:

33. wrenched the bag, three in the wrong side, smooth the edges, so it was not visible joints:

34. And again, ride, ride, ride, from the inside and from the front, in all possible directions, occasionally straightening and giving the correct form of the bag:

35.  like dough, throw on the table:

36. And, behold, uvalyana bag, roll of black wool tiny pellets – seeds future, mark up on the bag of their order, and the dry method, using a needle and sponges, privalivaem seeds in the bag:

37. After all the seeds privalyany that they firmly rooted in watermelon, they should also lightly spray with soapy water and roll the bag on a roll. Rinse the soap, squeeze. We spread our melon, attach to it the amount, having pushed into the sausage film.
While the bag dries, make pens, pieces of comb stykuya ribbon desired thickness of different colors. I like to wrap the end of one piece, the end of another. Urine soap, and roll up into bundles, leaving not only svalyanymi red tip pens. They I lay on a roll, making the flat:

38. Here, everything about felting bags. Next comes the sewing padding in the bag, Inserting a lock and handle, I also sew ..
Lining first cross-linking with a zipper, and then sew the handle with lined zipper tapes by passing several times in places Handle attachment

courtesy: livemaster