How to make bowls of sweets

Did you know that normal candies can be turned into a nice, and most importantly, the edible bowl. Fill it with candy, pack and give a loved one. He or she will appreciate your impulse. 

We need
  • Candy 19 pieces. (The number may be varied as desired).
  • Silicone baking paper (for sale in Ikeja, if not, you can use an ordinary wax).
  • A small glass vase.
  • pan
1. Preheat oven to 200 C.
2. Put a silicone paper on a baking sheet.
3. Spread on silicone paper candy in the shape of a flower.
3. Put the pan in the oven for about 8 minutes.
4. We get the pan from the oven and allowed to cool for 30 seconds candy.
5. Very carefully wrap the paper around the bottom of a vase with candy. Presses (without fanaticism) hands.
6. Remove the paper, then candy.
7. vase ready, we fill it with candy and packs.

courtesy: liveinternet