Beautiful boxes and caskets, made with their own hands, there are a variety of forms.
Let’s learn how to make a box in the form of a six-pointed star.
Prepare the bottom of the template and cover in your size – you need to cover the star and the star slightly smaller edge (2-3 mm) to bottom.
Now the “carve out” parts of the walls of the box and lid.
To do this, draw a rectangle 4 – their height equal to the desired height of the walls of the box and the desired height of the lid wall. A long, these strips should be equal to the sum of the lengths of the beam 6 Starlets bottom (for the walls of the strip box) and the sum of the lengths of the beam 6 zevzdochki cover (to cover the walls). Each rectangle add to one of the short sides of the tab to bonding. You have turned on the 2 bands for the lid and sides of the box. In principle, it is possible to make one long strip and for the walls and one long for the cover, while their length will be equal to 12 lengths of beam stars.
Each rectangle raschertite bigovochnym tool (suitable knitting needle) seats fold – their 12 plus seat fold gluing points. We also stars mark the place bends.
Further, the decorative paper (for finishing your boxes) Cut out a star on the cover (a little smaller than the star cap) and rectangles for finishing edges of the box and lid (also slightly smaller than the width and height of each face).
Getting to the assembly.
Rectangles bend to the walls of the box on the planned lines “in the accordion”, the stars bend the tabs for gluing.
Stick to the stars their walls. You have already received a box with a lid. However, it is necessary to decorate.
Glue the decorative paper cut of pieces on the cover of its side walls and the walls of the box.
If desired, it can be cut more decorative bands (as for the walls) and sticking them inside the box and on the walls of the lid, to close the space adhering to the walls of Stars.
Decorate a box on top – flowers, beads, bows – will tell you how imagination.