The photo frame baby can insert any photo and decorate her own room, or use the frame as a gift.
  • Thick cardboard
  • Scissors
  • ruler
  • Pencil
  • PVA glue
  • shells
  • Buckwheat
  • Silver paint – powder ( “jewel”)
  • A small piece of ribbon
  • Duct tape
Step-by-step instruction:
. To begin with we take a piece of cardboard and cut out the frame size.

2. Apply with a ruler marking pattern.

3. On the back side of the frame pasted loop by a piece of tape and ribbon.

4. densely cause PVA glue on the marked band across one.

5. smeared PVA glue strips pasted large shells and pour buckwheat.

6. Wait till the little shakes and cereal surpluses.

7. Now densely cause PVA glue the remaining strip and densely stacked together small shells. Give the glue to dry.

8. Mix PVA glue with silver paint – powder ( “jewel”) and paint it shells.

9. Once the paint is dry, our photo frame is ready!
courtesy: tmndetsady

How to make “Sea Fantasy” photo frame

The photo frame baby can insert any photo and decorate her own room, or use the frame as a gift.
  • Thick cardboard
  • Scissors
  • ruler
  • Pencil
  • PVA glue
  • shells
  • Buckwheat
  • Silver paint – powder ( “jewel”)
  • A small piece of ribbon
  • Duct tape
Step-by-step instruction:
. To begin with we take a piece of cardboard and cut out the frame size.

2. Apply with a ruler marking pattern.

3. On the back side of the frame pasted loop by a piece of tape and ribbon.

4. densely cause PVA glue on the marked band across one.

5. smeared PVA glue strips pasted large shells and pour buckwheat.

6. Wait till the little shakes and cereal surpluses.

7. Now densely cause PVA glue the remaining strip and densely stacked together small shells. Give the glue to dry.

8. Mix PVA glue with silver paint – powder ( “jewel”) and paint it shells.

9. Once the paint is dry, our photo frame is ready!
courtesy: tmndetsady