Hi…always use your brain with creative ideas. Throughout the feather bag 34: 32 jeans, one on the handle and one golden.

The valve consists of three parts: two layers of denim and c / b between them. Sewed beads, Czech glass beads, natural stones.

 One feather on the handle of the bag.

 First cut of the jeans themselves feathers: The length is the width of the pen jeans. Then feather it turns blue and a small tail at the bottom of Belenky. two types of feathers used in the bag:
1 nylon cord. Scribbled on his denim jeans peryshko red thread zigzag, not until the end, t.e.ostavila hvostik.Raspushila on the sides and bottom of the nylon cord, too, undermined the shape of the pen.
2 scribbled golden decorative cord nitkami.Dalshe blue denim as well as in the first.
While fumbled with Permi, embroidery, long thought of as a topstitch on the basis of the bag, but once completed all preparatory work, the brain has issued a very simple idea – to make the undercut in the tissue beneath each feather, t.e.polotno bag consists of two fabric : top-denim, bottom-thin dark jeans. Locate all the feathers on the canvas bag as you want, each pin to pin, make a horizontal incision in the upper layer of the jeans, small, about 1.5 cm, so that got the tip of the pen, fix it all bulavkoy.I peryshki.Potom secure stitching horizontally.

courtesy: liveinternet

How to make feather handbag from old jeans

Hi…always use your brain with creative ideas. Throughout the feather bag 34: 32 jeans, one on the handle and one golden.

The valve consists of three parts: two layers of denim and c / b between them. Sewed beads, Czech glass beads, natural stones.

 One feather on the handle of the bag.

 First cut of the jeans themselves feathers: The length is the width of the pen jeans. Then feather it turns blue and a small tail at the bottom of Belenky. two types of feathers used in the bag:
1 nylon cord. Scribbled on his denim jeans peryshko red thread zigzag, not until the end, t.e.ostavila hvostik.Raspushila on the sides and bottom of the nylon cord, too, undermined the shape of the pen.
2 scribbled golden decorative cord nitkami.Dalshe blue denim as well as in the first.
While fumbled with Permi, embroidery, long thought of as a topstitch on the basis of the bag, but once completed all preparatory work, the brain has issued a very simple idea – to make the undercut in the tissue beneath each feather, t.e.polotno bag consists of two fabric : top-denim, bottom-thin dark jeans. Locate all the feathers on the canvas bag as you want, each pin to pin, make a horizontal incision in the upper layer of the jeans, small, about 1.5 cm, so that got the tip of the pen, fix it all bulavkoy.I peryshki.Potom secure stitching horizontally.

courtesy: liveinternet