» If building a six-pack were easy almost everyone would have sexy abs. It’s not only the actual effort that’s hard, it’s also knowing “how” to burn stomach fat correctly that’s a challenge. Read on and burn the unwanted calories with these exercises to burn stomach fat quickly.
» Moves
» Butterfly Crunch
» Targets: rectus abdominus (“six-pack”) Lie on the back and put the soles of your feet as close to your body as possible, with your knees bent out to sides. Put your hands behind your head, elbows in line with your ears. Keep the back flat on the floor and with the stomach muscles contracted, exhale and curl your chest up a few inches off the floor toward your legs. Lower to start. Repeat this 10 times.
» Side to side
Targets: obliques (sides)
Lie on the back and bend your knees and feet flat on the floor, and your arms at your sides. Exhale and contract your abs as you slide the right hand toward the right foot. Keep your head and neck aligned with your lower back pressed to the floor. Go back to the starting position, then change sides. Repeat 15 times.
» Front Plank
» Targets: transverse abdominals
Start on your hands and knees. Keep your back and ab muscles contracted and drop down to your forearms while extending legs out behind you so you are resting on the balls of your feet. Keep your back straight, hips up, and neck relaxed. Stay in this position for 3 seconds, then go back to the start. Repeat 10 times.
» Intermediate Moves
Beginner Moves
Butterfly Crunch
» Targets: rectus abdominus (“six-pack”)
Lie on the back and put the soles of your feet as close to your body as possible, with your knees bent out to sides. Put your hands behind your head, elbows in line with your ears. Keep the back flat on the floor and with the stomach muscles contracted, exhale and curl your chest up a few inches off the floor toward your legs. Lower to start. Repeat this 10 times.
» Side to side
» Targets: obliques (sides)
Lie on the back and bend your knees and feet flat on the floor, and your arms at your sides. Exhale and contract your abs as you slide the right hand toward the right foot. Keep your head and neck aligned with your lower back pressed to the floor. Go back to the starting position, then change sides. Repeat 15 times.”
» Front Plank
» Targets: transverse abdominals
Start on your hands and knees. Keep your back and ab muscles contracted and drop down to your forearms while extending legs out behind you so you are resting on the balls of your feet. Keep your back straight, hips up, and neck relaxed. Stay in this position for 3 seconds, then go back to the start. Repeat 10 times.
» Intermediate Moves
» Fingers to Toes
» Targets: rectus abdominus Lie on your back with your legs straight and extended toward the ceiling, with arms down by your sides. Breathe out and contract your abs as you crunch up from your waist and extend your hands toward your toes. Keep your back flat on the floor. Do 2 sets of 15 repetitions.
» Targets: obliques
Lie on the back and rest your fingers behind your head. Keep your abdominals tight, raise your left knee and touch it to your right elbow. Go back to start, then raise your right knee and touch it to your left elbow. Alternate for 15 repetitions using a gentle, continuous motion, keeping your abs engaged and hands relaxed so that you don`t pull on your neck. Do 2 sets.
» Reverse Crunch with Resistance Bands
» Targets: transverse abdominals
Lie on the back with your knees bent, arms down by your sides, holding one end of a band in each hand, with the band wrapped around tops of shins. Raise your knees toward your chest until your hips leave the floor. Hold for 3 seconds; lower to start. Repeat for 2 sets of 10 repetitions.
» Advanced Moves
» Knee-Ups
» Targets: rectus abdominus
Brace yourself between the backrests of two sturdy chairs, keeping elbows slightly bent, shoulders down, neck relaxed, with your head and chest lifted. Keep your abs tight, breathe out and slowly bring your knees to your chest without swinging back and forth. If you cannot keep your body in this for, raise one knee at a time. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
» Leg Swings
» Ball Leg Lift
» Targets: transverse abdominals
Lie facedown on a ball and roll forward until your hands are on floor and just the tops of your feet are flat on ball. Keeping your back and right leg straight, slowly lift leg a couple of inches toward the ceiling. Hold for 3 seconds, then lower. Do 10 reps, then switch legs. Add 2 repetitions each week as long as you can maintain perfect form.
Source: http://thescienceofeating.com/