Now I am going to make wall clock from mostly natural materials:
– Birch bark;
– Wooden sticks of various lengths;
– Saw cut branches of various sizes;
– Clockwork;
– acrylic paints;
– MDF for the base;
– Thread for processing birchbark circle;
– glue gun.

 Snowflakes cut out of birch bark using stationery knife.

Watches – a necessary piece of furniture. Not only do they suggest to us time and still serve as a wonderful decoration of the room. That such clocks, we decorated our art studio office.
courtesy: stranamasterov

How to make wall clock from natural materials

Now I am going to make wall clock from mostly natural materials:
– Birch bark;
– Wooden sticks of various lengths;
– Saw cut branches of various sizes;
– Clockwork;
– acrylic paints;
– MDF for the base;
– Thread for processing birchbark circle;
– glue gun.

 Snowflakes cut out of birch bark using stationery knife.

Watches – a necessary piece of furniture. Not only do they suggest to us time and still serve as a wonderful decoration of the room. That such clocks, we decorated our art studio office.
courtesy: stranamasterov