It is healthier and cheaper option than the ones bought in stores. With this natural soap your hands will always be clean plus soft.

Homemade Liquid HAND SOAP

Two 5 oz. bars of pure castile soap.
1 gallon of filtered or distilled water
Essential Oils or Vanilla Extract (optional)  : Essential oils can help with many conditions
 (Note: When using pure castile soap there’s no need for the glycerin that so many other recipes call for as castile soap has natural glycerin in it.)
Step 1: Grate your little soap bars until you have a nice giant pile of shredded soap.
Step 2: Heat up your water in a very large pot. (I’d get it to a boil if you’re not using distilled water to kill any bad guys. Then turn the heat down until it’s no longer boiling… just hot).
Step 3: Stir in the soap. Keep stirring until all the little flakes are dissolved. Depending on the size of the grater, this can take a few minutes or go pretty quickly.
Step 3: Remove mixture off heat and let it sit for 12 – 24 hours. This mixture will thicken during this time. 
Step 4: Stir in your essential oils or vanilla extract, if using. Start small and put in enough until you get the right amount of “smell” for you.
Step 5: Pour mixture into containers. This will make quite a bit. I was able to fill three soap dispenser and five other fairly large storage containers.


Free & Homemade Liquid HAND SOAP - Learn how to make yourself

It is healthier and cheaper option than the ones bought in stores. With this natural soap your hands will always be clean plus soft.

Homemade Liquid HAND SOAP

Two 5 oz. bars of pure castile soap.
1 gallon of filtered or distilled water
Essential Oils or Vanilla Extract (optional)  : Essential oils can help with many conditions
 (Note: When using pure castile soap there’s no need for the glycerin that so many other recipes call for as castile soap has natural glycerin in it.)
Step 1: Grate your little soap bars until you have a nice giant pile of shredded soap.
Step 2: Heat up your water in a very large pot. (I’d get it to a boil if you’re not using distilled water to kill any bad guys. Then turn the heat down until it’s no longer boiling… just hot).
Step 3: Stir in the soap. Keep stirring until all the little flakes are dissolved. Depending on the size of the grater, this can take a few minutes or go pretty quickly.
Step 3: Remove mixture off heat and let it sit for 12 – 24 hours. This mixture will thicken during this time. 
Step 4: Stir in your essential oils or vanilla extract, if using. Start small and put in enough until you get the right amount of “smell” for you.
Step 5: Pour mixture into containers. This will make quite a bit. I was able to fill three soap dispenser and five other fairly large storage containers.
