Bouquet of flowers “Summer” is made from bottles of yellow and blue. It will take a marker and blue.
Manufacturer’s Description bouquet
Draw a pattern on the bottle (see. Photo below), a circle with a diameter of 4 cm., The second – 3.5 cm. (For the top and bottom of the flower).
Draw a pattern on the bottle (see. Photo below), a circle with a diameter of 4 cm., The second – 3.5 cm. (For the top and bottom of the flower).
Connect the two parts of the flower with the help of wire-stem and beads (see. Photo below).
You can make a single layer flower with four or five petals. On the back of the flower painted blue marker and shade with a cotton swab with cologne. You can use the nail polish. To make the curvature of the leaves are wound on a pen or pencil after firing a lighter.