Smiles are FREE and have the ability to convey such a great amount of joy to everyone. You should use it often. There are couple of issues extra alluring than a pleasing association of silvery whites and a comforting smile! In this article you will find few natural, safe, efficient and guaranteed ways to leave your teeth whiter.

Commercial Whiteners and problems with them

Although many teeth whiteners will work short term, the results often don’t last and overuse can lead to serious issues that are not worth the temporary satisfaction at all! Most people have no idea that most whiteners come with RISKS.

oral infections/disease
teeth becoming brittle
teeth becoming translucent
gum irritation
teeth going yellow again faster than before
gum irritation
But you don’t need these chemical teeth whitening products! There are more ways to solve that problem. Mother nature has some tricks up her sleeve to help you get that vibrant smile you’ve always wanted. You can find the answer to whiter teeth in your pantry. Many people that were in the health & wellness world for long ttime have heard for this increasingly popular spice.  It’s actually one of the superfoods that you could use every single day.

TURMERIC ­ – a NINJA teeth whitener!

This is a gorgeous yellow spice that is often used to give mustard it’s bright color. Though these two substances are notorious for staining just about everything else in sight, they actually remove stains from teeth and lighten overall tooth color. I wrote a little about how activated charcoal works in my ebook, but the mechanism behind turmeric is still a mystery.

The Method – Turmeric Teeth Whitener


1 tbsp ofcoconut oil
2 capsules worth turmeric powder (about ½ -1 tsp)
a littlepeppermint oil

Wet your toothbrush and dip it in mixture. Brush it on teeth as you would toothpaste. Allow to sit for 3-5 minutes.
Spit and rinse well.
Continue daily for a few days or even a week until you see desired results.
Toothaches and Oral infections

Turmeric contains anti-viral and antibacterial properties that can help keep the bad guys at bay and may soothe/improve oral infections.

Benefits of Using Turmeric On Your Teeth

Natural remedies hey almost ALWAYS contain multiple benefits.

Protect Your Brain from Fluoride Damage

Fluoride can cause big damage on your brain. Fluoride is toxic the the human brain and body.

Fluoride, unfortunately, can be found EVERYWHERE.

drinking water
non-stick pans
…and more
Over 200 peer-reviewed, published studies have shown that curcumin is a neuroprotective agent. The active substance in turmeric contains remarkable brain-saving properties.

Gum Irritation and Gum Reddening

Turmerics has an antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, it can help to soothe inflammation and irritation in the mouth. If you use natural products like turmeric, you can expect less irritation and a healthier mouth than when you use chemical-based products. Many people are allergic to chemicals in commercial toothpaste and other oral products. If you use more natural based substances, like turmeric, can benefit the mouth significantly by lessening reddening and irritation.

Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

Many chemicals and substances in our modern world have been shown to damage the pineal gland. Pineal gland has been called one of the most important parts of your nervous system. It sits right in the center of your brain and is responsible for regulating various hormones and is also known as the center for “spiritual awakening”. Turmeric with it’s neuroprotective benefits and anti-inflammatory properties, it can improve and preserve the health of the pineal gland when used regularly.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Turmeric

Turmeric is EASY to include in your diet!
You can take it in capsule form, use the powder in smoothies, juice the root itself, add it to all sorts of dishes, use it to brush your teeth, etc. Just browse our website for turmeric recipes!

Turmeric was referred to as GOLD in biblical times!
Many historians believe that the GOLD the wise men brought to baby Jesus was actually turmeric! In many ancient scripts people refer to gold when they were really talking about turmeric.

Turmeric has POSITIVE side effects!
“Turmeric is one of the greatest, beneficial medicinal plants in the entire world,” said ethnobotonist, author and “Medicine Hunter” Chris Kilham. “It’s also one of the most researched medicinal plants in history.” As of January 2015, there are nearly 5,000 studies and articles on curcumin or turmeric listed in the National Institutes of Health PubMed database, which is considered one of the top directories for medical research. Of course, not all of these studies prove definitive health benefits of curcumin in humans, but many offer compelling evidence that the root offers far more than just the beautiful yellow hue so commonly found in curry dishes and mustard.

Turmeric may work better than Prozac for depression!
Recent studies done by a medical college in India found that curcumin (the active ingredient of turmeric) was successfully able to improve symptoms of depression in patients and didn’t cause negative side effects.

Turmeric is very, very old!
Turmeric is far from new. It’s been used in food and as medicine for at least 4,000 years, first in India and other parts of Asia, and later in Africa and the Caribbean.
Researchers in India recently identified mineral remnants of turmeric and ginger on the cooking pots and teeth of ancient Indus River remains, suggesting a curry-like dish may have been eaten in one of the first urban civilizations.

Curcumin, the active component in turmeric, is credited with its numerous health benefits but was not identified until 1910. As science has begun to uncover the many potential benefits, this already common root has only become more popular.

More Ways To Use Turmeric

Turmeric For Glowing Skin
Cook With Turmeric
Turmeric Face Peeling Mask
Anti-Inflammatory Lemon Turmeric Tonic
Recharging Turmeric Smoothie Recipes
More uses for Turmeric

Boosts eye health
Aids weight loss
Potent antioxidant
Boostsbody’s own antioxidant enzymes
Natural pain killer
Increases levels of Brain-Derived Neuropathic Factor(BDNF)
Effective treatment for depression, increases hippocampal BDNF
Reverses effects of chronic stress
Improves sleep
Promotes weight gainin those suffering from cachexia
Effective natural remedyfor psoriasis
Helps prevent certain stomach ulcers
Fights braintumors
Helps reduce risk/improve symptoms of prostateand skin cancer, myeloma, leukemia and metastasis
May reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Boosts eye health
Aids weight loss
Potent antioxidant
May reducerisk of heart attack by 65% in certain individuals
May soothe symptoms of arthritis
Effective natural remedyfor psoriasis
Helps prevent certain stomach ulcers
Stops growth of  Pylori, a bacteria often responsible for acid reflux
May help prevent cardiovascular (heart) disease

Turmeric can also dramatically improve your complexion (smoothness, prevent wrinkles, acne, rosacea). Check out ReNude Skincare’s non-staining Turmeric Antioxidant Mask.

Turmeric can also be enjoyed in a soothing tea. There are many uses of turmeric so don’t miss to try them all!

Source :

This Turmeric Anti-Inflammatory Paste Will Reverse Gum Disease, Swelling, And Kill Bacteria

Smiles are FREE and have the ability to convey such a great amount of joy to everyone. You should use it often. There are couple of issues extra alluring than a pleasing association of silvery whites and a comforting smile! In this article you will find few natural, safe, efficient and guaranteed ways to leave your teeth whiter.

Commercial Whiteners and problems with them

Although many teeth whiteners will work short term, the results often don’t last and overuse can lead to serious issues that are not worth the temporary satisfaction at all! Most people have no idea that most whiteners come with RISKS.

oral infections/disease
teeth becoming brittle
teeth becoming translucent
gum irritation
teeth going yellow again faster than before
gum irritation
But you don’t need these chemical teeth whitening products! There are more ways to solve that problem. Mother nature has some tricks up her sleeve to help you get that vibrant smile you’ve always wanted. You can find the answer to whiter teeth in your pantry. Many people that were in the health & wellness world for long ttime have heard for this increasingly popular spice.  It’s actually one of the superfoods that you could use every single day.

TURMERIC ­ – a NINJA teeth whitener!

This is a gorgeous yellow spice that is often used to give mustard it’s bright color. Though these two substances are notorious for staining just about everything else in sight, they actually remove stains from teeth and lighten overall tooth color. I wrote a little about how activated charcoal works in my ebook, but the mechanism behind turmeric is still a mystery.

The Method – Turmeric Teeth Whitener


1 tbsp ofcoconut oil
2 capsules worth turmeric powder (about ½ -1 tsp)
a littlepeppermint oil

Wet your toothbrush and dip it in mixture. Brush it on teeth as you would toothpaste. Allow to sit for 3-5 minutes.
Spit and rinse well.
Continue daily for a few days or even a week until you see desired results.
Toothaches and Oral infections

Turmeric contains anti-viral and antibacterial properties that can help keep the bad guys at bay and may soothe/improve oral infections.

Benefits of Using Turmeric On Your Teeth

Natural remedies hey almost ALWAYS contain multiple benefits.

Protect Your Brain from Fluoride Damage

Fluoride can cause big damage on your brain. Fluoride is toxic the the human brain and body.

Fluoride, unfortunately, can be found EVERYWHERE.

drinking water
non-stick pans
…and more
Over 200 peer-reviewed, published studies have shown that curcumin is a neuroprotective agent. The active substance in turmeric contains remarkable brain-saving properties.

Gum Irritation and Gum Reddening

Turmerics has an antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, it can help to soothe inflammation and irritation in the mouth. If you use natural products like turmeric, you can expect less irritation and a healthier mouth than when you use chemical-based products. Many people are allergic to chemicals in commercial toothpaste and other oral products. If you use more natural based substances, like turmeric, can benefit the mouth significantly by lessening reddening and irritation.

Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

Many chemicals and substances in our modern world have been shown to damage the pineal gland. Pineal gland has been called one of the most important parts of your nervous system. It sits right in the center of your brain and is responsible for regulating various hormones and is also known as the center for “spiritual awakening”. Turmeric with it’s neuroprotective benefits and anti-inflammatory properties, it can improve and preserve the health of the pineal gland when used regularly.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Turmeric

Turmeric is EASY to include in your diet!
You can take it in capsule form, use the powder in smoothies, juice the root itself, add it to all sorts of dishes, use it to brush your teeth, etc. Just browse our website for turmeric recipes!

Turmeric was referred to as GOLD in biblical times!
Many historians believe that the GOLD the wise men brought to baby Jesus was actually turmeric! In many ancient scripts people refer to gold when they were really talking about turmeric.

Turmeric has POSITIVE side effects!
“Turmeric is one of the greatest, beneficial medicinal plants in the entire world,” said ethnobotonist, author and “Medicine Hunter” Chris Kilham. “It’s also one of the most researched medicinal plants in history.” As of January 2015, there are nearly 5,000 studies and articles on curcumin or turmeric listed in the National Institutes of Health PubMed database, which is considered one of the top directories for medical research. Of course, not all of these studies prove definitive health benefits of curcumin in humans, but many offer compelling evidence that the root offers far more than just the beautiful yellow hue so commonly found in curry dishes and mustard.

Turmeric may work better than Prozac for depression!
Recent studies done by a medical college in India found that curcumin (the active ingredient of turmeric) was successfully able to improve symptoms of depression in patients and didn’t cause negative side effects.

Turmeric is very, very old!
Turmeric is far from new. It’s been used in food and as medicine for at least 4,000 years, first in India and other parts of Asia, and later in Africa and the Caribbean.
Researchers in India recently identified mineral remnants of turmeric and ginger on the cooking pots and teeth of ancient Indus River remains, suggesting a curry-like dish may have been eaten in one of the first urban civilizations.

Curcumin, the active component in turmeric, is credited with its numerous health benefits but was not identified until 1910. As science has begun to uncover the many potential benefits, this already common root has only become more popular.

More Ways To Use Turmeric

Turmeric For Glowing Skin
Cook With Turmeric
Turmeric Face Peeling Mask
Anti-Inflammatory Lemon Turmeric Tonic
Recharging Turmeric Smoothie Recipes
More uses for Turmeric

Boosts eye health
Aids weight loss
Potent antioxidant
Boostsbody’s own antioxidant enzymes
Natural pain killer
Increases levels of Brain-Derived Neuropathic Factor(BDNF)
Effective treatment for depression, increases hippocampal BDNF
Reverses effects of chronic stress
Improves sleep
Promotes weight gainin those suffering from cachexia
Effective natural remedyfor psoriasis
Helps prevent certain stomach ulcers
Fights braintumors
Helps reduce risk/improve symptoms of prostateand skin cancer, myeloma, leukemia and metastasis
May reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Boosts eye health
Aids weight loss
Potent antioxidant
May reducerisk of heart attack by 65% in certain individuals
May soothe symptoms of arthritis
Effective natural remedyfor psoriasis
Helps prevent certain stomach ulcers
Stops growth of  Pylori, a bacteria often responsible for acid reflux
May help prevent cardiovascular (heart) disease

Turmeric can also dramatically improve your complexion (smoothness, prevent wrinkles, acne, rosacea). Check out ReNude Skincare’s non-staining Turmeric Antioxidant Mask.

Turmeric can also be enjoyed in a soothing tea. There are many uses of turmeric so don’t miss to try them all!

Source :