Years goes, and our body starts the process known like process of aging. With this process comes and wrinkles. Skin become very thin and that is a reason because wrinkles starts to show on our body especially on our face. With the process of aging skin also lose the elasticity and collagen and for that when we got skin infection it is hard to heal our skin.


Lined and creased skin
Sagging skin
Areas that are more affected include sensitive skin near the eyes, lips, and neck.
Though some creases are temporary, they may become deeper and more permanent due to ageing.


Facial Muscle Contractions

The skin on our eyebrows  is the thinnest. And for that wrinkles firstly appear on the eyebrows. Smiling, frowning, squinting, and other habitual facial expressions cause these wrinkles to become more prominent. And for that  we must save us from wrinkles in early years.

Sun Damage

When our skin is expose on the sun  we often take some skin infection or our skin burns. That is bad for us because when the sun ‘’burn’’ our skin it become  thinnest. The ultraviolet sun rays that cause photo aging damage collagen fibers and cause the excessive production of abnormal elastin. Sun activate many enzymes in the skin and during that process some healthy fibers are damaged.


We know that smoking is bad for us. During the aging process we lose collagen and for that new collagen is produced but in smaller quantities. Smoking  causes a marked reduction in the production of new collagen. A lack of new collagen results in the development of wrinkles.

Rapid weight loss can produce wrinkles


One of it is to apply egg whites to the skin under your eyes.
Also odor-free castor oil can be applied to the skin under the eyes or on that of the throat.
Empty the contents of three Vitamin E capsules into a small bowl. Add to this 2-tablespoon plain yogurt, 1/2 tsp honey, and 1/2 tsp lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the face using a cotton ball. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse.
A mixture of 1/4 cup comfrey infusion, 1/4 cup witch hazel, and 10 drops of patchouli essential oil is effective in treating wrinkles. This can be stored in a clean bottle and applied on affected areas with a cotton ball.
You can also massage coconut oil on portions of skin prone to wrinkles every night a bedtime.
A paste of turmeric made with sugarcane juice is great to get rid of wrinkles and slow skin ageing.
Cut a green Thompson seedless grape in half and gently crush it on your face on the wrinkles. Leave it for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, and let it dry in natural air.
Another treatment is to rub the core of pineapple on the face and leave it for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off.
Putting juice of green pineapples and apples on the face daily for 10-15 minutes is good for fine wrinkles and cracked skin.
Ingredient like pure castor oil regularly prevents wrinkles.

Stop The Wrinkles With This Natural Remedy

Years goes, and our body starts the process known like process of aging. With this process comes and wrinkles. Skin become very thin and that is a reason because wrinkles starts to show on our body especially on our face. With the process of aging skin also lose the elasticity and collagen and for that when we got skin infection it is hard to heal our skin.


Lined and creased skin
Sagging skin
Areas that are more affected include sensitive skin near the eyes, lips, and neck.
Though some creases are temporary, they may become deeper and more permanent due to ageing.


Facial Muscle Contractions

The skin on our eyebrows  is the thinnest. And for that wrinkles firstly appear on the eyebrows. Smiling, frowning, squinting, and other habitual facial expressions cause these wrinkles to become more prominent. And for that  we must save us from wrinkles in early years.

Sun Damage

When our skin is expose on the sun  we often take some skin infection or our skin burns. That is bad for us because when the sun ‘’burn’’ our skin it become  thinnest. The ultraviolet sun rays that cause photo aging damage collagen fibers and cause the excessive production of abnormal elastin. Sun activate many enzymes in the skin and during that process some healthy fibers are damaged.


We know that smoking is bad for us. During the aging process we lose collagen and for that new collagen is produced but in smaller quantities. Smoking  causes a marked reduction in the production of new collagen. A lack of new collagen results in the development of wrinkles.

Rapid weight loss can produce wrinkles


One of it is to apply egg whites to the skin under your eyes.
Also odor-free castor oil can be applied to the skin under the eyes or on that of the throat.
Empty the contents of three Vitamin E capsules into a small bowl. Add to this 2-tablespoon plain yogurt, 1/2 tsp honey, and 1/2 tsp lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the face using a cotton ball. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse.
A mixture of 1/4 cup comfrey infusion, 1/4 cup witch hazel, and 10 drops of patchouli essential oil is effective in treating wrinkles. This can be stored in a clean bottle and applied on affected areas with a cotton ball.
You can also massage coconut oil on portions of skin prone to wrinkles every night a bedtime.
A paste of turmeric made with sugarcane juice is great to get rid of wrinkles and slow skin ageing.
Cut a green Thompson seedless grape in half and gently crush it on your face on the wrinkles. Leave it for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, and let it dry in natural air.
Another treatment is to rub the core of pineapple on the face and leave it for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off.
Putting juice of green pineapples and apples on the face daily for 10-15 minutes is good for fine wrinkles and cracked skin.
Ingredient like pure castor oil regularly prevents wrinkles.